Who pays for vaccine makers’ mistakes?

Families do.

In 1986, in response to an overwhelming number of lawsuits over injuries caused by the DPT vaccine, Congress passed, and President Ronald Reagan signed into law, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, removing all liability for injury caused by vaccines from the manufacturers, and creating a Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. The Vaccine Court was created for the litigation of vaccine injury claims. Payouts are made from the tax on vaccines charged to those who purchase them. This program had paid out over 4 billion dollars for injuries causally associated with vaccines, as of January of 2019.

As part of this deal, the Department of Health and Human Services was tasked with both working to improve the safety of vaccines, and with reporting to Congress on their progress every other year. In over 30 years, they have done neither.

Since liability has been removed from vaccine manufacturers, the CDC recommended schedule has exploded–from 8 vaccines in 1985 to 50 plus injections of 72 vaccines in 2018. The only manufacturers in the United States of America who are not held liable for product safety issues are the pharmaceutical companies–and only for vaccines.

It is our opinion that, just like any other industry, vaccine manufacturers must, once again, be held liable for the safety of their products.

For more information on the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA), watch 1986: The Act.

NOTE: The Vaccine Court does not apply to COVID19 vaccine injury. Manufacturer protection from liability for COVID19 vaccines exceeds even that of the NCVIA.

For more information on COVID19 vaccines, please see “The Fast Track.”


Informed Consent means that, after a patient has had the opportunity to hear all of the risks and benefits associated with a particular intervention, the patient has the right to consent or decline, without penalty or coercion.

Learn more about health freedom and vaccines in our news section.

School Exemptions

According to Utah State Code, you can attend daycare or public school, Pre-K, through higher education, with a religious, personal belief, or medical exemption. We passed legislation in 2024 to allow religious exemptions for higher ed students who intern in medical settings.

You do NOT need a doctor’s note for personal or religious exemptions. You can exempt your child or yourself from any or all vaccines. Because the COVID shots are not yet added to the paperwork, I would suggest adding them yourself, and getting the form notarized, before turning it in to the school. (I am not an attorney and this is not legal advice. This is just what I would do, in this situation.)

To get an exemption for Pre-K-12, review the indoctrination module; choose which type of exemption you want (I suggest religious); and print out the form. Unfortunately, Utah code requires parents to participate in the "education" module in order to exempt a child from one or more vaccines. Please be aware that Your Health Freedom Utah submitted a 12 page rebuttal to the Department of Health at the hearing where this module was reviewed. We are still working to change the process. In the meantime, if your child attends school you are required to go through this process at the beginning of schooling and renew it for 7th grade, or any time the child changes schools.

Exemption Link: https://immunize.utah.gov/immunization-exemptions/

Employee/Higher Ed/Missionary Exemptions

Writing a Religious Exemption for an Employer

Click Here For More Info

Higher Ed/Employee Exemptions (I'll need to update this at some point)

Click Here For More Info

Latter-day Saint Missionary Covid Vaccinations

Click Here For More Info


More Information/


  • TDaP Vaccine, recommended for pregnant women.

    “There are no adequate and well-controlled studies of Adacel administration in pregnant women in the U.S.”

    “There are no adequate and well-controlled studies of BOOSTRIX in pregnant women in the U.S.”

    Influenza Vaccine, recommended for pregnant women.

    “There are limited data for AFLURIA QUADRIVALENT administered to pregnant women, and available data for AFLURIA (trivalent formulation) administered to pregnant women are insufficient to inform vaccineassociated risks in pregnancy.”

    (To determine whether other influenza vaccines have been adequately tested for safe use during pregnancy, look up: vaccine package inserts > influenza > name of the vaccine.)

    What is post-marketing surveillance? What is the pregnancy registry?

    “Post-marketing surveillance” is the process of testing the vaccine on the public, without their knowledge. Once you and your unborn child have unknowingly become part of the experiment, you are given the option, in the package insert–which nobody mentions, and hardly anyone ever reads–to participate in the post-marketing research by reporting your personal outcomes to the “pregnancy registry.”

    “Pregnancy: There is a pregnancy exposure registry that monitors outcomes in women exposed to AFLURIA QUADRIVALENT during pregnancy. Enroll in the pregnancy registry by calling 1-855-358-8966 or sending an email to us.medicalinformation@seqirus.com. (8.1). “

    “There is a pregnancy exposure registry that monitors pregnancy outcomes in women exposed to AFLURIA QUADRIVALENT during pregnancy. Women who are vaccinated with AFLURIA QUADRIVALENT during pregnancy are encouraged to enroll in the registry by calling 1-855- 358-8966 or sending an email to Seqirus at us.medicalinformation@seqirus.com. “

    ICAN Lawsuit

    Please consider carefully before injecting toxins into your body while you are pregnant.

  • You may not be aware that many of the vaccines we use today have been manufactured using fetal cells from aborted babies at various gestations. This is usually dismissed as a “necessary evil” for the “greater good,” or simply excused, because it is thought that only one fetus was used long ago, so the damage is not on-going. 

    We can see the fetal cells listed on the ingredient lists from the CDC and individual vaccine manufacturers designated as the fetal cell lines, WI-38 and MRC-5 or “cell cultures”. The MMR, Varicella, Zoster, Pentacel, Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B vaccines all contain fetal cell lines. This table shows 24 vaccines from  the US and Canada using aborted fetuses with manufacturer and product names. Some recent excipient lists from the CDC may have removed the cell lines from the ingredients, even though the production process has not been changed. 

    Stanley Plotkin, considered to be the godfather of modern vaccines, has testified in a sworn testimony that over 76 human fetuses obtained through abortion have been used in the production of vaccines; with most used for the Rubella vaccine(called RA273), that is now part of the MMR. You can read the full deposition here, or watch here.  Or if you have time, watch the full 9 hours

    There are several reasons to be concerned about the use of fetal cells in vaccine production besides the moral and religious objection to abortion. More aborted fetuses will be required as the continuous cell lines weaken and need to be replaced. Fetal cells are considered a contaminant in the manufacturing process and there is evidence that the amount of contamination exceeds acceptable safety limits from independent Italian researchers. Dr. Theresa Deisher shares some of her concerns in this open letter as well as her suggestions to improve the safety of vaccines by removing and replacing the fetal cells. To learn more about how and why fetal cells are used in vaccine production, and why they may be causing vaccine adverse events, please see this article by toxicologist Ashely Everly, Human Aborted Fetal Cell DNA in Vaccines. For direct links to all vaccine package inserts, adverse event lists, many peer reviewed vaccine studies, and information about the vaccine injury compensation program see https://vaccine.guide/.

