Writing a Religious Exemption for an Employer

BE CONSISTENT. GUARD YOUR TONGUE. KEEP A PAPER TRAIL. Information on NEW UTAH COVID EXEMPTION LAW If you’re going to submit a religious exemption, do your research, and do it right. There are things you should say and things you shouldn’t. Under Federal law, religious beliefs are not limited to the doctrines of any organized religion. They are personal. The …

How to Respond to Employer or School Mandates

(This post is to inform you of the facts surrounding employer mandates and COVID “vaccines.” And it informs you of your rights under both state and federal law. It does not constitute legal advice. For legal advice, please consult a qualified attorney.) Information on NEW UTAH COVID VACCINE EXEMPTION LAW You have no obligation to submit to medical experimentation. If …


According to Utah State Code, you can attend daycare or public school, Pre-K, through higher education, with a religious, personal belief, or medical exemption. There is an exception for higher education students in medical settings. These students still qualify for religious exemptions, under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. (Please follow the links in the text above, and below, …